Monitoring Services with Prometheus
Hi All! In this tutorial I will explain how we can monitor specific TCP ports where eventually our applications will be running.
Application we want to monitor — Postgres DB (Port — 5432)
Prerequisites -
1. We have a running Prometheus server installation
2. Make sure we have blackbox_exporter installed and tcp_connect module available.
# whereis blackbox_exporter
blackbox_exporter: /usr/local/bin/blackbox_exporter
Step 1 -
Update Prometheus configuration file prometheus.yml ->
- file_sd_configs:
- files:
- /etc/prometheus/file_sd/postgres-services.yml
metrics_path: /probe
module: [tcp_connect]
job_name: 'test-postgres'
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__param_target]
target_label: instance
- replacement:
target_label: __address__
scrape_interval: 5s
Step 2 -
Create postgres-services.yml file which will have our postgres target systems information along with the desired labels.
# cat /etc/prometheus/file_sd/postgres-services.yml
- labels:
project: postgres_hosts
Step 3 -
Create an alert rule -
# cat /etc/prometheus/rules/rules.yml
- alert: PostgresTCPDown
description: 'The automation service running at {{ $labels.instance }} has not been connectable for more than 2 minutes.'
summary: '{{ $labels.instance }} is unreachable'
expr: probe_success{job="test-5000"} == 0
for: 2m
severity: 'critical'
Step 4 -
Update alertmanager configuration file as per your requirement.
For e.g here I will create a new entry for hosts running postgres db under receivers section.
- name: Postgres Hosts
- to:
send_resolved: trueroutes:
- match:
project: postgres_hosts
receiver: Postgres Hosts
Step 5 -
Reload the Prometheus and Alert Manager configurations.
# ps -ef | grep prometh
prometh+ 3765 1 0 Apr21 ? 00:47:21 /usr/local/bin/prometheus — config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml — storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ — web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles — web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries — web.enable-admin-api — web.external-url= ps -ef | grep alertma
alertma+ 3226 1 0 Apr21 ? 00:06:19 /usr/local/bin/alertmanager — config.file=/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml — storage.path=/data/alertmanager — web.external-url= -HUP 3226
#kill -HUP 3765
Step 6 -
Verify the functionality
If Postgres DB is down it will fire an alert -
Once you fix it the alerts will be gone!!
The same way using blackbox_exporter’s tcp_connect module you can monitor any service running on a tcp port.
Hope you like the tutorial. Please let me know your feedback in the response section.
Happy learning!